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Ancestral Tablets

Block A


Block A

Walking in to Maitreya Buddha surrounded with pink ancestral tablets and white lighting, depicting the alluring beauty of white


Unique suite with ancestral tablets made from high-grade pianowood.
Walking in to Amitabha Buddha, the gold theme provides a warm environment for the descendants


Walking in to Maitreya Buddha surrounded with red and pink ancestral tablets, creating a warm environment
with blessing from one generation to another


Greeted by Ksitigarbha, the traditional high-grade pianowood ancestral tablets blended perfectly with the
gold theme, providing a harmonious feel


Walking in to Ksitigarbha King and surrounded with crystal lights embedded in the ancestral tablets, providing a
calm and peaceful environment


Another suite with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, except this is holding a golden rod and a pearl, representing the
enlightenment achieved and guiding of souls to attain peace

Block B

Block B


Nirvana SLA

Largest ancestral tablet suite with bright and spacious hall, symbolizing prosperity of descendants

Block C

Block C


Nirvana SLA Afterlife Planner

White and gold oriented, greeted by Ksitigarbha from the entrance symbolizing great filial piety

Nirvana SLA Afterlife Planner

Greeted by the rotating Ksitigarbha Bodishava, sitting on a round sphere with Buddhist scriptures. The spacious and cozy environment is enhanced by the white and golden theme, setting off a calm and serene feel

Nirvana SLA Afterlife Planner

A combination of ancestral tablet hall and niches in the same suite, allowing future generations to pay their respect conveniently

Nirvana SLA Afterlife Planner

Unique pedestral suite designed with sutra wheel, enhancing the interaction for visitors

Lin San Temple

Lin San Temple


Nirvana SLA Singapore

Transparent oriented design of ancestral tablets making each and every equally exclusive

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